Monday, August 07, 2006

What movie i had watch for the last wk!!!

Monday & Tuesday, 31st-1st July 2006

Last week i had watch two movie with MJ, one is the
Dragon Tiger Gate another is the Lakehouse.
I like both the movie i had watch.

View for the Dragon Tiger Gate:
Erm...... i tin it is a nice movie, the animation technic it
use is jus nice not too over. It had a story line {although
it is a simple story line but the way that it presented it
make the whole movie interesting and nice}

Rating: ****

View for the Lakehouse :
Althought i didn watch the old version [done by the
japanese]but the new one is veri nice i like it veri much i
recommend u should go and much when u have time
during the wkend. It a romance movie, but i like the way
they speak it add a lot of color to the movie {it make
me laugh sometime as i tin
they r funny}. If u have BF bring along and watch
together, it a gd movie for couple to watch together.

Rate: ****

*Yuen Lee*
was craving the OC on
1:33 PM and they said..


Blogger Senorita Juan said...

Nice background.. but why no updates??? LoL

8:14 PM


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