Monday, June 12, 2006

3 month of IPP @ Changi Airport!! YAPPY!!!!!!!

13th March 2006

Finally the last semester of my Poly life, although
it's sad to say all my friend is not in sch liao but no choice
have to bear with it!!!! Haiz......but at least
something good happen.........

My IPP(13th March 2006 - 02nd June 2006[3mth])
will be in CHANGI AIRPORT, happy to heard it because i actually
like to travel a lot but jus don have the $$$, time and chance.
So have a good view of the airplane(in office), and go to
restricted area like transit, at least can ease my thirst to fly.......
wa haha..... But HX nagging all the way say she don like the place.......haiz....
nvm whose care.... although is very far fr my hse but i don mind.

Wow....... i see a lot of airplane,hmmm.......someday i will get a chance to sit on it, I'm Sure!!!!!!PROMISED!!!!!!

*Yuen Lee*
was craving the OC on
4:11 PM and they said..


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