Monday, October 03, 2005


03 Oct 2005

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I finally can have a "good night slp" liao nowsaday cannot slp until morning than can slp, Haiz people is stress cannot slp, me is stress for not having slpin at night....Funny.....

Today wake up at 7am and watch a japanese daram [H2], than @ night meet Juan go watch a movie "Wait Till You're Older" act
by Andy Lau, i cry!!!!! very tounchin the last part but endin not
as expected le.....3 1/2 ***' for the shown...I remember in the
show got one sentence that a old man tell Andy Lau is very meaningful,
he say :

" the cycle of life cannot come over again,let bygone be bygone,
it matter now is how you make the time you left

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*Yuen Lee*
was craving the OC on
11:40 PM and they said..


Blogger Senorita Juan said...

oh.. u finally blog.. oh.. your memory not bad har.. still remember the sentence of the old man in the movie.. Haha.. take care..

10:37 AM


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