Thursday, July 20, 2006

Holiday Trip @ My HOMETOWN

Thursday, 20 July 2006
[4th day @ KM]

Ha....ha.... cum back so long from my holiday trip now
than write a bit funny but no choice i now everyday
veri free so lot of time to wirte my blog or else i uaually
don like to write cos' tooo.............troublesome need to
load pic etc......those who kno me understand la

Tis 2006 Chinese New Year is really full of execiting and fun
event for me, i went back to my hometown, Perak, and
everyday busy exporing the place around + tis year is my
BELOVED Grandma 70th years old birthday so i really happy

Furthermore, i went to the nearest island,Pangkok island with
my relatives. Althought i grow up in there but sad to say i
didn went out of my hometown much. The island is beautiful jus as
expected the beach is clean, the sand is fine the sun is warm too .......haiz
so relaxing....... There is also diving service but i have no chance
to try cos' i didn bring extra cloth wat a pity........

*Yuen Lee*
was craving the OC on
2:59 PM and they said..


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