Sunday, August 30, 2009



Tonight, have a small fight with my mum....... Over the dinner thingy agina...Sometime really feel frastrated talking to her jus don't know why. Once she talk to me using the acent i don't like my temper will just blow up....i know i have to control my temper but i just can't.

Once she see me she got something to ask me to do lol... her son outside so long she can ask them, wat? do i look like this hse slave......Haiz....Want to treat her better, but her treatment to me really can't make me be such a wide hearted person.

Or maybe i think is my problem. I can't live in group life but, cos sometime i felt stress went staying i group. So i don't talk much cos they will use those kind of i am a weird person or not the same level person to look at me.

Thinking moving out is the best choice for all of us cos... everyday living under the same root really let me feel stress. Too many upset thing happen, no fate in this family anymore, and living here there's no privarcy at all, i was really angry when she see those bank letter with my name on it she will open without my permission. I hate it when she do that.

PS: I know i'm lucky to have a complete family that some pray hard also cannot get. Hope those terrible memory will pass as time pass by ba..... but not now.......

*Yuen Lee*
was craving the OC on
8:01 PM and they said..


Blogger Senorita Juan said...

There's no tag box, so I leave a msg here..
Happy New Year^____^

8:53 AM


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